|  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| bigpetstore |
4 yr 9 mo
- #509 |
8 min 27 sec
- #41628 | 31 ms | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Bigtop-1.0.0-deb |
4 yr 9 mo
- #4 | N/A | 4 hr 25 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Bigtop-1.0.0-rpm |
4 yr 9 mo
- #3 | N/A | 3 hr 44 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Bigtop-1.1.0 |
4 yr 6 mo
- #11 | N/A | 9 hr 44 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Bigtop-1.1.0-ppc64le |
4 yr 5 mo
- #13 | N/A | 4 hr 46 min | | |
 |  W | shadowsock如何使用 | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Bigtop-1.2.0-installation |
2 yr 9 mo
- #5 | N/A | 11 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Ubuntu 16.04下Shadowsocks服务器端安装及优化 - Penguin:前言本教程旨在提供简明的Ubuntu 16.04下安装服务器端Shadowsocks。不同于Ubuntu 16.04之前的教程,本文抛弃initd,转而使用Ubuntu 16.04支持的Syst... | 100 |
| Bigtop-1.2.1 |
2 yr 10 mo
- #29 | N/A | 18 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Bigtop-1.2.1-installation |
2 yr 8 mo
- #10 | N/A | 13 min | | |
 |  | Bigtop-1.2.1-ppc64le | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 1 out of the last 2 builds failed. | 50 |
| Bigtop-1.3.0 |
1 yr 9 mo
- #26 |
1 yr 9 mo
- #25 | 3 hr 57 min | | |
 |  | Bigtop-1.3.0-deployments | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 4 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 20 |
| Bigtop-1.4.0 |
1 yr 2 mo
- #39 |
1 yr 2 mo
- #38 | 1 hr 51 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Bigtop-alpha |
1 yr 0 mo
- #20 | N/A | 50 min | | |
 |  | Bigtop-trunk | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 4 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 20 |
| Bigtop-trunk-ambari | N/A |
3 yr 4 mo
- #32 | 53 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| Bigtop-trunk-packages | N/A |
2 days 2 hr
- #602 | 1 day 13 hr | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Bigtop-trunk-RAT-check |
21 hr
- #1740 |
9 days 21 hr
- #1731 | 11 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 1 out of the last 2 builds failed. | 50 |
| Bigtop-trunk-repos |
4 mo 28 days
- shadowsock官方网站 |
13 hr
- #725 | 34 min | | |
 |  W | shadowsock如何使用 | % |
 | Ubuntu 16.04下Shadowsocks服务器端安装及优化 – 崔俊伟博客:2021-10-21 · 原文链接:Penguin 前言 本教程旨在提供简明的Ubuntu 16.04下安装服务器端Shadowsocks。不同于Ubuntu 16.04之前的教程,本文抛弃initd,转而使用Ubuntu 16.04支持的Systemd管理Shadowsocks的启动与停止,显得更为便捷。 | 100 |
| Bigtop-trunk-select-from-branch | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | centos搭建shadowsock-云海天教程:2021-6-6 · Shadowsocks服务端搭建 服务端搭建的前提是你已经成功使用SecureCRT或putty或者xshell连接服务器,接下来的工作就是按照下面的步骤依次执行: 1.环境安装与更新 这一步,你需要做的是依次执行下面的每条命伂: yu... | 40 |
| Bigtop-trunk-select-packages | N/A |
3 yr 4 mo
- #11 | 1 day 6 hr | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |  | Test Result: 0 tests in total. | 100 |
| Bigtop-trunk-smoke-tests | N/A |
1 day 21 hr
- #156 | 21 hr | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 4 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 20 |  | Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 11 tests. | 100 |
| Bigtop-trunk-smoke-tests-1.4.0 |
1 yr 3 mo
- #28 |
1 yr 3 mo
- #27 | 26 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | 搬瓦工(Bandwagonhost)搭建Shadowsocks并优化速度 | 扩软博客:2021-5-31 · 安装服务端的时候推荐启用 chacha20 加密(逼格高),默认的 aes-256-cfb 加密速度较慢,当然你也可伃启用最快的 CR4-MD5 加密算法,就是加密弱一些。 另外,建议启用搬瓦工的 IPv6 并在 shadowsocksR 配置启用IPv6,走企理的时候就能访问一些只有在 IPv6 下才能访问的网站。 | 0 |  | 手机shadowsock | 100 |
| Build-Deploy-Smoke-Test-Pull-Request-All-Distros |
4 mo 25 days
- #40 |
3 mo 9 days
- #54 | 1 hr 21 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 4 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 20 |
| Build-Deploy-Smoke-Test-Pull-Request-Single-Distro |
8 mo 2 days
- #13 |
6 mo 7 days
- #14 | shadowsock官方网站 | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| Build-hadoop-from-commit-hash-to-smoke-test |
1 yr 1 mo
- #24 |
5 days 22 hr
- #80 | 手机shadowsock | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Docker-Puppet-1.3 |
1 yr 10 mo
- #22 | N/A | shadowsock如何使用 | | |
 |  W | shadowsock使用方法 | % |
 | Build stability: 1 out of the last 2 builds failed. | 50 |
| Docker-Puppet-1.4.0 |
1 yr 2 mo
- #3 |
10 mo
- #4 | 10 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Docker-Puppet-Trunk |
3 days 21 hr
- #9 | N/A | 52 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Docker-Puppet-Trunk-pull |
3 days 20 hr
- #14 |
1 yr 5 mo
- #9 | 3 sec | | |
 |  W | ishadowsock | % |
 | Build stability: 3 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 40 |
| Docker-Puppet-Trunk.bak |
2 yr 2 mo
- #30 |
1 yr 5 mo
- #33 | 8 min 40 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | AWS EC2 shadowsocks服务端搭建及本地客户端使用 | 美 ...:2021-6-15 · 一,搭建服务器 参考文章:AWS EC2 shadowsocks服务端搭建 1,安装服务器软伀 pip install shadowsocks 2,服务端配置 在 /etc目录下建立 shadowsocks 的配置文伀: vim /etc/shadowsocks | 0 |
| Docker-Sandbox |
4 mo 28 days
- #208 |
1 day 10 hr
- #229 | 16 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 2 out of the last 4 builds failed. | 50 |
| Docker-Sandbox-1.2.1 |
2 yr 8 mo
- #5 |
2 yr 8 mo
- #4 | 15 min | | |
 |  W | linux安装shadowsock服务端 | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Docker-Sandbox-push |
2 yr 9 mo
- #15 |
3 yr 1 mo
- #3 | 8 min 20 sec | | |
 |  | Docker-Toolchain-1.0.0 | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Docker-Toolchain-1.1.0 |
4 yr 6 mo
- #1 | N/A | 16 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Docker-Toolchain-1.1.0-ppc64le |
4 yr 5 mo
- #1 | N/A | 1 hr 50 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Docker-Toolchain-1.1.0-pull |
3 yr 2 mo
- #3 | N/A | 3.2 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Docker-Toolchain-1.2.1 |
2 yr 10 mo
- #16 |
2 yr 10 mo
- #10 | 47 min | | |
 |  W | ishadowsock | % |
 | Build stability: 1 out of the last 3 builds failed. | 66 |
| Docker-Toolchain-1.2.1-pull |
3 yr 0 mo
- #2 |
3 yr 0 mo
- #1 | 2 min 58 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Docker-Toolchain-1.3-pull |
1 yr 9 mo
- #6 | N/A | 33 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Docker-Toolchain-1.3.0 |
1 yr 10 mo
- #17 | N/A | 16 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | centos搭建shadowsock-云海天教程:2021-6-6 · Shadowsocks服务端搭建 服务端搭建的前提是你已经成功使用SecureCRT或putty或者xshell连接服务器,接下来的工作就是按照下面的步骤依次执行: 1.环境安装与更新 这一步,你需要做的是依次执行下面的每条命伂: yu... | 40 |
| Docker-Toolchain-1.4.0 |
1 yr 2 mo
- #5 |
10 mo
- #8 | ishadowsock | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| Docker-Toolchain-1.4.0-pull | N/A | N/A | N/A | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| Docker-Toolchain-Pull-Request | N/A |
1 yr 2 mo
- #7 | 2 hr 19 min | | |
 |  W | shadowsock使用方法 | % |
 | Build stability: 2 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 60 |
| Docker-Toolchain-Trunk |
3 days 15 hr
- #120 |
3 days 20 hr
- #119 | 59 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 2 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 60 |
| Docker-Toolchain-Trunk-pull |
3 days 14 hr
- #75 |
3 mo 15 days
- #72 | 16 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| github-pr-check |
4 mo 25 days
- #4 |
4 mo 23 days
- #22 | 1 hr 1 min | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: No recent builds failed. | 100 |
| nexus-restart |
8 mo 15 days
- #118 | N/A | 2.1 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| Remove-All-Docker-Containers-Except-Nexus |
1 yr 4 mo
- #316 |
13 hr
- #382 | 1.2 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: All recent builds failed. | 0 |
| Remove-Dangling-Docker-Images |
1 yr 4 mo
- #235 |
15 hr
- #679 | 13 sec | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 1 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 80 |
| Remove-Inactive-Containers |
1 yr 7 mo
- #18 |
1 yr 9 mo
- #17 | shadowsock如何使用 | | |
 |  W | Description | % |
 | Build stability: 1 out of the last 5 builds failed. | 80 |
| Slaves-status |
1 yr 7 mo
- #45 |
1 yr 9 mo
- #41 | 4 sec | | |